Our volunteers

Fanja Rakotondrainibe

Volunteer organizational management advisor

Fanja RAKOTONDRAINIBE is a lawyer by training and holds a Diploma of Diplomatic and Strategic Studies, option "international economy". She has worked for more than twenty years in the field of development in Madagascar. She has solid experience in institutional support, planning, program management, resource mobilization, partnership development, evaluation monitoring, training and coaching.

Her professional background has allowed her to work in a wide range of fields: private sector, entrepreneurship, international trade, handicrafts, children's rights, women's rights, and this with several technical and financial partners.

She worked for eight years with the International Labour Office as National Project Coordinator for the fight against child labour. She was able to develop several models of school reintegration for children, vocational training for girls, support for families in income-generating activities, awareness-raising and mobilization in several regions of Madagascar. In addition, its work has been marked by the development of two codes of conduct for operators against child labor in the vanilla sector and sexual exploitation.

Her years of experience in the promotion and protection of children's rights has made her aware of the harsh realities of women, girls and children, deprived of their main rights.  She is convinced that development can only be achieved through the respect of human rights. Actions for the promotion and protection of children's and women's rights are particularly close to her heart, in order to build a more just society in the respect of human rights.

Fanja joined IBCR cooperation program in October 2021.

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