
Our volunteers

Dunia Orellana

Communications and ICT Advisor

Dunia Orellana is a journalist, documentary filmmaker and development communicator. Her articles have been published in Reportar Sin Miedo, En Altavoz, Reporteros de Investigación, Presentes, Criterio, Anfibia, El Tiempo, Univisión, among others. She has directed and filmed as a documentary filmmaker for the LGBTIQ+ community in Honduras, as well as for women's groups defending the territory and indigenous populations such as the Garífuna, Miskito, Lenca and Maya Chortís. She has received grants from the Summit Foundation, GoJoven International, People in Need, Gabo Foundation, ICFJ and IWMF. She also has extensive experience in development communications with organizations such as Gojoven International, CRS, FAO, Internews, Usaid, medicus mundi Bizkaia, Oxfam, etc.

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