The IBCR committed alongside COALICO against the use of children in armed conflict

On February 12, the IBCR marked the International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers – also known as Red Hand Day – together with the Coalition Against the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict in Colombia (COALICO), one of PRIDE project partners our partner.

On the occasion of this international day, the COALICO highlighted the violations of the rights of children and young people in Colombia as a result of the armed conflict and related violence, but also of the current pandemic, through its conference “¡PAREN! – Prevenir para no repetir” (Stop! Prevent  to not  repeat).

“On this day of celebration that commemorates one more year since the entry into force of the Protocol, we call for all to unite to call with one voice for the avoidance of the use and recruitment of children in armed conflict” Hilda Molano – Coordinator of COALICO

Celebrated virtually because of the health context, this meeting was an opportunity to draw attention to the real situation in Colombia and its impact on children. The COALICO and its partners present were also able to present the “Pact for the Prevention and Non-Repetition of Violations against Children and Adolescents in Armed Conflicts and Related Violence”, which is intended to make progress towards the non-repetition of the conflict and its consequences on children.

In this way, COALICO encourages all responsible actors, in particular the Colombian State, to work for a country in which the prevention and non-repetition of violations of children’s rights in the context of the armed conflict and associated violence is a common objective and a constant commitment to the realization of children’s rights. The following steps, forming the acronym PAREN in Spanish, meaning “Stop”, are thus advocated:


Protect children and adolescents from armed conflict and all types of violence

Learn from their knowledge

Respect their interests

Listen to their concerns and taking their proposals into account

Children and adolescents out of war


Founded in 1999, COALICO is a space of convergence for civil society associations that aim to defend the rights of young people in Colombia and to transform situations generated by the armed conflict. In particular those related to the use and recruitment of children in armed groups. COALICO has been a partner of the IBCR since 2015.

> Visit the COALICO website

International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers

This day marks the anniversary of the signing of the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child prohibiting the use of children in conflict. Despite the efforts made in recent years, it is estimated that some 300,000 children – girls and boys under the age of 18 – are still involved in more than 30 conflicts around the world.

Source : Fiche d’information: enfants soldats ( 

Invited to speak for the occasion, we spoke about our experience and our action in favour of the fight against the use of children in armed conflict (see more here and here). We highlighted the importance of training those involved in child protection and the use of adapted tools. The IBCR stands alongside COALICO and its partners to encourage those responsible to commit and act to prevent the recruitment of children in armed conflict with the PAREN Pact. 


Read our « Guide to International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law  »

To listen to the conference again:   

Intervention of the IBCR at 1h30. 

Available only in Spanish


The collaboration between the IBCR and COALICO continues within the PRIDE  project.


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