A new IBCR project in Honduras has recently been launched in order to build the professional capacities of key actors involved in the prosecution, protection and prevention of human trafficking in Honduras.
Despite efforts of the government of Honduras to improve its human rights record, the country still faces widespread violence linked to organised crime and drug trafficking, and it has one of the highest homicide rates in the world. Funded by the Government of Canada through its Anti-Crime Capacity Building Programme (ACCBP), this three-years project aims to improve the Honduran authorities’ institutional and community level response to human trafficking by strengthening the actual response system against human trafficking and exploitation, led by Inter-institutional Commission against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (CICESCT) and its members (such as Ministry of Labor, Office of the Prosecutor, Judicial Power or Police) both nationally and locally.
At the community level, a participatory approach will strengthen municipality and civil society members’ knowledge and capacities to identify trafficking threats and to implement early warning mechanisms. Vulnerable populations, children and youth, women, indigenous and afro-descendent peoples, and LGBTQI+ persons will also be very active throughout the project.
More info to come !