The IBCR is currently working on a new project in Djibouti to identify the training needs of law enforcement agencies and to map out the care centers for children in conflict with the law.
This project in parallel with UNICEF has three areas of intervention.
Since the Ministry of Justice in Djibouti does not have a clear mapping of the capacities and services offered by the civil society, the IBCR will initially draw up a precise inventory of civil society partners playing a role with children in the Djibouti justice system. This mapping will allow the justice system to fully promote alternative measures to detention, including reception centers. The IBCR will meet NGOs in the country to document their capabilities and services.
The second area of intervention concerns the identification and development of operating standard procedures to make the trajectory of child victims, witnesses or in conflict with the law more respectful of their rights. The IBCR will meet different stakeholders and hold workshops with representatives of ministries and practitioners from different sectors to validate and adopt the new operation modes in the best interest of the child in contact with the law.
Finally, the Office will map out the content and integration of a new multisectoral initial training kit for justice, security and social workers. To do this, the IBCR will meet the police school, the school of gendarmerie and finally the school of justice to discuss the terms of a compulsory course in the curriculum or modifications of an existing course so that all new recruits and possibly current staff can take a practical course based on child rights and child protection skills.