Addressing the challenges of collecting inclusive data on children in contact with the law in at-risk areas to ensure their follow-up and protection

Abdoulaye Soumaré Diarra

North Africa

Burkina Faso

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My second mandate as a volunteer advisor in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning with the Direction de la Justice Juvénile in Burkina Faso began on March 25, 2024. 

As part of this mandate, I conducted a diagnostic assessment of the Directorate’s data management system. The results allowed me to identify various challenges and the capacity-building needs of the directorate’s team in terms of data collection, processing, and analysis. To address these challenges, a training workshop was organized to strengthen staff’s capacities and equip the department with a more effective data management system.

The workshop’s preparatory activities started with a literature review to analyze existing data and propose adjustments when necessary. In addition, working sessions were held with the Directorate’s team to identify additional needs and adapt certain tools to the specific nature of their activities. Other meetings focused on finalizing the training modules and revising existing tools.

Having reliable data on children in contact with the justice system is a sine qua non for the success of interventions in child protection.Direction de la Justice Juvénile

The workshop took place on September 19 and 20, 2024 in Ouagadougou, with about ten participants from the Direction de la Justice juvénile. The first day’s activities began with a pre-test to assess participants’ initial knowledge of data management. This day was largely theoretical, covering the fundamentals of data collection, processing, and analysis using the Kobo Collect and Power BI applications. Practical case studies were then presented to give participants a better understanding of the data management process and its importance in child protection monitoring and decision-making.

The second day focused on configuring the components of the data management system to facilitate data collection and processing activities in coordination with social services, judicial authorities and other stakeholders in juvenile justice. After setting up the system, trials were conducted to train participants on creating electronic data collection forms and using Power BI for data analysis. Post-test results conducted at the end of the training workshop showed that participants significantly improved their knowledge of data management, achieving an average score of 17/20 compared to 11/20 on the pre-test.

Results to be consolidated:

  • The Direction de la Justice juvénile ensures inclusive data collection and processing across all regions through social services, judicial authorities, and various players in the field of juvenile justice, to improve coordination in child protection efforts.
  • The Direction now has more representative national-level data to guide its interventions for children in contact with the justice system and make recommendations to stakeholders in juvenile justice on compliance with procedures.
  • Collected data is analyzed and integrated into various reports to guide decision-makers in shaping policies that benefit children in contact with the law. 

A rewarding experience!

My mandate with the International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR) at the Direction de la Justice juvénile was an incredibly rewarding experience, both professionally and personally. It allowed me to contribute to the implementation of children’s rights through the development of a data management system for children in contact with the law, to facilitate the coordination and monitoring of children at national level in collaboration with services working in child protection.

On a personal level, I was able to gain practical experience in the field of children’s rights, with the opportunity to interact with other actors involved in the protection and justice systems sector. These collaborations enabled me to strengthen my interpersonal skills and gain a better understanding of the limits of traditional justice in protecting children in Burkina Faso.

My volunteer mandate with the IBCR has been a truly reciprocal experience of giving and receiving. I strongly encourage anyone interested in international volunteering to take the leap!

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Voluntary cooperation program funded by Global Affairs Canada.