Mahamadi Oubda
Children's Rights and Security Advisor
Mahamadi Oubda holds a master's degree in biological sciences from the University of Ouagadougou, a diploma for prison security inspectors from the National Police School and a master's degree in child protection and rights from the University of Ouaga II. This last academic training has given him the expertise to better respond to the problems related to children in contact with the prison environment.
He has served in the prison administration as Director of prisons, Central Director (human resources, detention and operations) and, at the National School of the Penitentiary Security Guard, as Secretary General. He has collaborated with several NGOs including the Order of Malta, the Hans Seidel Foundation and the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Bureau in the training of prison staff. He has also collaborated with the United Nations system in the process of deploying Burkinabe correctional officers in peacekeeping operations. In addition, he was a trainer of prison staff at the National Police School and then at the National School of the Penitentiary Security Guard in prison law.
Mahamadi has held the position of Expert in Prison Security - Child Protection at the IBCR satellite office in Burkina Faso.