Katiba Nebti holds a Master's degree in International Law and Politics (LL.M) and specialises in project management. Her experience with Canadian and French NGOs in West Africa, particularly in Senegal, Burkina Faso and Mali, has enabled her to develop skills in a variety of areas such as child protection, socio-professional integration of vulnerable populations, gender-based violence, education in emergency situations, as well as monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability (MELA).
In the framework of her previous missions, she has already supported local organisations in West Africa in the framework of capacity building projects in organisational management and SEAR. She wishes to put her skills and experience to good use by joining IBCR again in the PRIDE project.
Katiba is currently deployed in Burkina Faso with the Association of Women Lawyers of Burkina Faso (AFJ/BF) as a Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Accountability Advisor.