Jean Ferdinand Mohenou Gboukpehi
Child Rights and Advocacy Advisor
Jean Ferdinand Mohenou Gboukpehi holds a Master's degree in Economics and Management from the Atlantic University of Cote d'Ivoire and a Master's degree in Accounting, Control and Audit from the Free Mediterranean University of Tunis. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in Business Administration with an option in Management and Governance.
As a member, leader and president of associations dedicated to the defence of human rights, migration, minority rights and assistance to vulnerable people, he has, during his experiences in the field of counselling, guidance, protection and support of migrants, students, youth and children, developed capacities and skills to work in the protection and respect of human rights and particularly of children.
Jean-Ferdinand has expertise in project management and advocacy. He has had the opportunity to collaborate with international organisations such as the International Organisation for Migration, Médecin du Monde, the Konrad Adenauer Stifieng and Tunisie Terre d'Asile.
As a speaker and lecturer, he also had the opportunity to participate in a tripartite dialogue on "Mobility: Negotiations on the draft agreements on readmission and visa facilitation" between the European Union, the Tunisian government and civil society organisations.
He has worked and proposed with his association for the defence of the rights of migrant students and trainees (A.E.S.A.T) several pleas to the Tunisian state and public opinion in order to improve the living conditions and residence of his communities. These pleas led to the promulgation of a law exempting and capping late payment penalties for migrant students, pupils and trainees in Tunisia since September 2017.
Jean Ferdinand Mohenou Gboukpehi is currently deployed in Tunisia with the Tunisian Forum For Youth Empowerment (TFYE) as a Child Rights and Advocacy Advisor.