Children and emergency situations
The IBCR endeavours to protect and promote children’s rights during emergency situations caused by crises, armed conflict or natural disasters, particularly those related to climate change. By strengthening the capacities of all humanitarian workers, the Bureau aims to effectively apply national, regional and international laws and standards related to sustainable knowledge and know-how.
Exploitation and violence against children
Along with our partners, the Bureau aims to prevent all forms of child exploitation, violence, abuse and neglect. This includes sexual exploitation (particularly in the travel and tourism industry), child pornography, urban or armed conflict, child trafficking, early or forced marriage, and all other practices that threaten child survival or development.
Children and the justice system
Through its programme, the IBCR strives to protect child victims and witnesses of crime, as well as children who are in conflict with the law, by responding to requests for support expressed by governments, professionals, and the girls and boys who are directly in contact with the system.