
Evaluation of the Nawe Nuze community-based approach for the promotion of children’s rights in Burundi

Project duration: 2020 (10 months)

The IBCR is providing expertise to the UNICEF Burundi office in a study on the impact of a community-based approach on orphaned and vulnerable children.
In Burundi, the Nawe Nuze approach is based on the creation of village associations that encourage people to save together and then borrow from each other. The main activities of these associations are managed by the beneficiaries who are in precarious situations, allowing them to have access to capital investment and, in some cases, even to own small businesses. This community economy also seems to have a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable children, which is why it is the subject of a study initiated by UNICEF in Burundi.
The IBCR is engaged alongside the local UNICEF office in this project to assess the impact of the Nawe Nuze approach as a generator of income and social activities for orphans and vulnerable children.
The results of this study should validate the hypothesis that a solidarity group that promotes social development, such as Nawe Nuze, represents a valid approach to support the promotion of children's rights and the assumption that the community takes care of their basic needs.



  • Assess the relevance of the solidarity group approach as a social and child protection regime to facilitate access to basic services, promote the participation of adolescent boys and girls and protect the most vulnerable children, both girls and boys;
  • Propose strategic and operational recommendations to guide UNICEF programmes in the country;
  • Ensure that gender, equity and child rights issues are taken into account in project implementation, from the design phase to results, and in all stages of the process.
  • Intervention locations : Burundi
  • Project duration: 10 months
  • Partners :
    • UNICEF
  • Highlights:
    • Workshops to present preliminary findings and report on planned evaluation results
    • Publication of a report presenting the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation
  • Fields of activity and expertise :
    • Applied research
    • Advocacy and institutional support
    • Child protection systems

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