
Evaluation of the Child Protection System and Training on Children’s Rights for Security Forces, Legal Personnel, Military Personnel and Social Workers

Observing courses on children’s rights for security forces – October 2015

Deconstructing our child protection practices and aligning them with current theories and issues.
Asbakreo Fittouin, Secretary General, Department of Social Action, National Solidarity and Families, in Chad

Project Duration : 2013 - 2016

During a meeting held in Lomé, Togo in 2012, a delegation from Chad – made up of UNICEF representatives, police officers and members of the gendarmerie – developed an action plan for assessing their country’s child protection system and for integrating training on children’s rights into the curricula for various stakeholders in the child protection system. With Chadian authorities on board with this initiative, the IBCR worked with various partners in the country to implement the project

Our goals :

The IBCR, working with various departments of Chad’s government and receiving financial support from UNICEF, aimed to achieve the following with this multi-year project:

  • Strengthen the child protection environment by mapping the child protection system in a post-conflict context
  • Adding permanent and mandatory training on children’s rights and child protection to curricula for training for police officers, gendarmes, judges, military personnel, social workers and magistrates in the Republic of Chad.

First, the IBCR mapped and evaluated Chad’s child protection system. This involved checking and analysing more than 200 documents, as well as meeting with approximately 50 people to collect information about the various stakeholders in the country’s child protection and systems. In addition, about 30 children were interviewed so that their perspectives could be included in the investigation.

Next, the IBCR developed training tools on child protection for security forces. These tools were then validated at a workshop in N’Djamena. Once this phase was complete, the IBCR then focussed on offering train-the-trainer sessions in schools for police, gendarmes and magistrates, and on providing support for the first round of courses. After that, the IBCR began working with social workers and military personnel. This aligned the interactions between actors in the child protection system, ensuring that the best interest of children would be taken into account when decisions affecting their lives are made.


  • Intervention locations : Chad
  • Project duration: 2013 - 2016
  • Partners :
    •  UNICEF and state-run institutions in the Republic of Chad, including: Department of Social Action, Department of National Solidarity, Department of Families, minister delegated to the Presidency of the Republic in charge of National Defence, Veterans and War Victims, Department of Interior Affairs and Public Security, Department of Justice, Department of Public Service and Labour, Department of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms, Judicial Police Directorate, Public Security Directorate, Child Services Directorate, General Directorate for National Constables, Child Protection and Judicial Follow-up Directorate, Political Affairs and Civil Status Directorate, National Police School, Association of National Constable Schools, National Judicial Training School, National Sanitation and Social Officers School
  • Highlights:
    •  More than 200 documents and webpages viewed and analysed
    •  30 boys and girls interviewed
    •  30 police and gendarmerie instructors trained
    •  30 magistrate instructors trained
  • Fields of activity and expertise :
    • Capacity building
    • Applied research
    • Tools, reference manuals and standards
    • Training leadership
    • Children and the justice system

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