Study on child sexual exploitation in Burundi

Crédit photo: 123FR/ Sonya Etchison
I have to keep doing it, because neither I nor my child nor my grandmother can survive without the money I earn.
Testimony of a child victim
Project duration : 2011 - 2012
This innovative rapid assessment project on the sexual exploitation of girls and boys in Burundi is part of an undertaking initiated by the Government of Burundi. By means of a national action plan, it aims to eliminate this, one of the worst forms of child labour, between now and 2015. Taking part in the study were over 300 boys and girls who were in prison, victims of sexual exploitation, living or working in the streets, domestic workers, or working in the fishing industry or other fields.
The objectives of this rapid assessment were to determine the extent and manifestations of commercial child sexual exploitation in Burundi and to identify children at risk of becoming victims. The study also shined a spotlight on the type of people involved, the places where exploitation occurs, the processes by which children become victims and measures for preventing this phenomenon.
The analysis resulted in a better understanding of the needs of children and of the protection system in Burundi, as well as the risks involved. Furthermore, UNICEF mandated the Bureau to work with the government to set priorities in terms of what measures to undertake, what recommendations to make from a multi-sector perspective, and what structural changes to implement in interventions – especially the existing capacities that can be strengthened.
- Intervention locations : Bujumbura, Rumonge, Makamba, Gitega, Muyinga, Burundi
- Project duration: 2011 – 2012
- Partners :
- The Government of Burundi
- UNICEF Burundi
- Highlights:
- 307 children interviewed in four regions
- Four weeks of surveys
- Fields of activity and expertise :
- Applied research
- Advocacy and institutional support
- Child sexual exploitation