Capacity building for the police and national guard officers in Tunisia

Duration of the project: dec 2019- april 2022
The IBCR is involved in Tunisia to strengthen the skills of members of the Police and the National Guard in the field of children's rights.
Funded by UNICEF and implemented by the IBCR, the project aims to train around 100 members of the National Guard and Police on the rights of children in conflict with the law, victims and/or witnesses and associated with violent groups in Tunisia. Implemented over 8 months, the project provides expertise and training to strengthen the actions and practices of the security forces that intervene closest to children, particularly those in conflict with the law, in the area of children's rights.
Divided into several phases, the project began with data collection. Multiple workshops were held to assess the training needs of police and national guard officers and the need to coordinate their actions with other actors in the child protection system. Based on the needs expressed by members of the police, the National Guard, training schools, representatives of ministries and members of civil society, training courses were then developed. They integrate a psychosocial dimension of child support, which takes into account the specificities of the different situations and the context of Tunisia. The last phase was the training of trainers, and support for the first courses.
Throughout this process, the Office works closely with the UNICEF Tunisia office, the Ministry of the Interior, a lawyer, and a psychosocial expert, who are essential local partners to ensure the sustainability of the project's actions.
Our objectives
- Strengthen the skills of Police and National Guard officers to intervene with children, especially those in conflict with the law, victims, witnesses and those associated with armed groups, in accordance with the rights of the child
- Better protect children in contact with the law in Tunisia, by enabling professionals to adapt their practices to their needs
- Provide training for police and National Guard officers, adapted to the context and reality of Tunisia, as part of their training curriculum
The results
- Several deliverables produced for the training package: Facilitation Guide, Learner's Guide, Evaluation Manual, Reference Guide, Pocket Guide
- 18 people participated in the training of trainers and 12 of them were selected to facilitate the pilot courses
- A practical guide has been written (to be completed and finalised by the partner)
- 75 police and national guard personnel trained
- Intervention locations : Tunisie
- Project duration: 29 months
- Partners :
- UNICEF Tunisia
- Ministry of the Interior
- Highlights:
- About twelve trainers able to facilitate training
- More than 70 trained police officers or members of the National Guard
- A Practical Guide for the accompaniment of children in contact with justice developed (finalized by the partner)
- Fields of activity and expertise :
- Capacity building
- Applied research
- Training leadership
- Violence against children
- Child protection systems
- Children and the justice system