World Children’s Day

Open Letter : An urgent appeal for child-friendly justice

In an Open Letter, the Director General of the International Bureau for Children’s Rights, Mr. Martin Causin, recently launched an appeal to governments. He pleads for the realization of child-friendly justice as an indisputable priority, marking the World Children’s Day on November 20, 2023.

The plea underlines the imperative of adjusting the justice system, often designed for adults, to the specific needs of children. It stresses the crucial importance of reinforcing this adaptation in order to implement restorative approaches that are truly adapted to children’s needs.


Excerpt from the open letter: “While Canada is officially committed to children’s right to access and benefit from child-friendly justice, notably through the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991, the Bureau advocates specific measures that take into account the reality and particular needs of children, and that give concrete expression to international and national commitments to child-friendly justice. This requires the implementation of and respect for three interrelated approaches: child-centred justice (…), restorative justice (…) and justice composed of several complementary systems.”

Read an excerpt from the open letter 

Focus on child-friendly justice

On November 20, the International Bureau for Children’s Rights celebrated World Children’s Day with a hybrid event. The event, entitled “Focus on child-friendly justice”, took place at the Maison du développement durable in Montreal, with a live broadcast, bringing together participants from over 10 countries and Canada.

The event, which featured eight experts from Canada, Africa, Central and South America and Europe, was rich in presentations. Organized in the form of two panels, the event provided an opportunity to hear these experts present concrete actions aimed at promoting child-friendly justice on a global scale.

The success of this initiative provided an enriching experience for the public involved in the issue of child-friendly justice. Nearly Nearly 200 people attended online or in person. 

Our sincere thanks to all the panelists for their commitment. 

Panel 1 : Promising practices in child-friendly justice

Panel 2 : Viewpoints on the deprivation of liberty of children

Relive the event on Youtube : Focus on child-friendly justice

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