Universal Children’s Day 2022 under the theme of participation

Every year, 20 November marks Universal Children’s Day and is an opportunity to promote children’s rights around the world. On this occasion, the International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR) and its partners around the world highlighted, through numerous workshops and events, the importance of protecting and respecting these rights today.  

In Quebec, the IBCR partnered with the Cinéma Public de Montréal to screen the documentary “Vivre en Grand”, by Flore Vasseur (2021). Following the screening of the film, which traces the actions of young activists around the world, a discussion session was held, moderated by IBCR child rights specialists. This moment of exchange with the public allowed for a debate on the participation of children in the construction of a fairer and more egalitarian society and to question the perception of adults regarding the participation of children.
In Senegal, the IBCR took up residence in Saint-Louis to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, in collaboration with its partner, the association for the support of vulnerable persons (2APV). The day of celebration took the form of a panel discussion on the theme of “inclusion for every child” and moments of exchange and sharing of experiences around the awareness of the right of children to participate in their own protection. 60 children were present and actively participated in the event, notably with the staging of several sketches related to the Bureau’s project and the situation of children’s rights in the country.



Thank you to all those who have contributed to the success of our events, see you next year for another edition ! 

Listen to the TV report on the event in Senegal 

© photo Yuganov Konstantin via Canva