On Tuesday, April 24 2018, the official launch of the mapping report on the Child Protection System in Honduras took place with the presence of the Department of Children, Family and Adolescence of Honduras (DINAF), the country’s child protection institution, which plays a key role in the project, as a beneficiary but also as a partner on the project.
The event was attended by fifty guests, representing government organizations playing a strategic and fundamental role in child protection in the country, including the Ministry of the Interior, the Judiciary School, INAMI (National Institute for the Care of Juvenile Offenders), the Social Development Secretariat and the National Police. Civil society organizations such as COIPROIDEN and CONADEH as well as representatives of international cooperation working in the field of comprehensive protection, including USAID, OXFAM and ACNUR, were also present at the launch.
It was during this unifying event that the DINAF, but also the public, officially received the mapping report with the inventory of the main training needs for state officials. This training aims for a better promotion and protection of the rights of the child. This mapping report sets the path for the next steps, especially the development of standard operating procedures and the training packages for the police and justice sectors, as well as the INAMI and the DINAF.