By Martin Causin, Project Manager – Burkina Faso
From February 4 to 15, 2019, training for trainers of social workers will be held in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
As part of the project Capacity building for stakeholders in child protection system in Burkina Faso, funded by Global Affairs Canada and currently implemented by the IBCR in Burkina Faso (2015-2020), a work is carried out since 2017 with the National Institute of Training in Social Work (INFTS), in charge of the training of social workers in Burkina Faso. The objective is to develop with INFTS new compulsory, evaluated and contextualized courses on children’s rights for all INFTS students.
Firstly, an 80-hour kit was produced for the benefit of the Middle School of Social Work. Now, the project team is finalizing the process of developing a 30-hour specialized training kit on children’s rights and child-friendly practices. This training will be given to the schools training managers in the field of social work.
This second toolkit will help strengthen the quality of interventions and service offerings of managers who will graduate from the INFTS and qualitatively impact the protection of children. To teach this new course in March 2019, a first draft of the kit was produced in a participatory manner, and the final stage of the training of trainers started on Monday, February 4, 2019, in the presence of 30 training candidates and trainers.
The workshop is planned for a period of 12 days and aims to train and certify future trainers and future trainers so that they are able to give the course on the rights of the child with the new tools training and using a competency-based approach and the use of participatory techniques.