The new children’s rights protection model will delegate more functions to the state, said Latvian Welfare Minister Ramona Petraviča.
Justice Ministry together with Welfare Minister are committed to developing a road map before the end of 2019 to suggest solutions in order to form a new institutional model for protection of children’s rights. On top of that, according to Petraviča, soon enough work will commence on the development of a new model.
The minister said letters were sent out to institutions and organizations that may be interested in resolving this matter, including Latvian Association of Local Governments, Orphan Courts Association, and social services with a request to delegate representatives for the work group.
According to Petraviča, firstly both involved ministries have plans to reach an agreement for the outline for the new children’s rights protection model. Once this has been done, it will be possible to attract other experts to start working on the model.