Corneille holds a Bachelor’s degree (BAC+5) in Clinical Psychology from the University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since 2014, he has been involved in preventing and responding to violence against children in humanitarian emergency and recovery contexts in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
He has worked for national and international NGOs such as ACOPE (Actions Concrètes pour la Protection de l’Enfant) as Psychologist for children released from armed forces and groups, Head of the Psychosocial and GBV component and then Head of the Protection Program. At FARMAMNDI (Farmaceuticos Mundi), I was Country Project Technician. At IRC (International Rescue Committee), worked as Senior Officer Child Protection and then Officer in North Kivu.
He has also taken part in numerous practical training courses on protection against exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment and cross-cutting protection organized by the IRC, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, etc., and particularly with the IRC. With IRC in particular, Corneille has been trained in a number of psychosocial approaches, including ASE, SHLS, COMIC, Case Management, SAFE, PARENTING, Girlshine, Now I am Strong, etc., and in economic recovery, including LEARN TO EARN.
Corneille joined the Bureau in March 2023 as a Child Protection Specialist.