REPERE – Providing better tools to professionals accompanying child victims or witnesses of crime


The REPERE training course was designed in collaboration with members of the relevant fields, including the Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales du Québec (DPCP), centres d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (CAVAC), the Fondation Marie-Vincent, the Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes and the CIUSSS du centre-sud de l’île-de Montréal.

Aimed at professionals in Quebec, the REPERE formation aims to improve the experience of children in contact with the justice system, whether they are victims or witnesses of a criminal offence.

It strengthens the skills needed to intervene with children in order to respect their rights at all times, and aims to generate awareness of the importance of the child’s participation in our judicial processes.

Each person who has taken the training will be able to welcome a child, explain their role and listen to them in an appropriate way. The training will also ensure that the child’s participation is respectful, informed, safe, tailored to the child’s abilities and uniqueness, and meaningful to him/her.

The formation

The training is composed of five training modules covering the different issues of child participation during their process in the justice system in Quebec:


// Module 1 // Introduction to the importance of child participation in the judicial system 

// Module 2 // Child’s participation and his higher interest 

// Module 3 // How to better adapt your practice to the child 

// Module 4 // How to listen and hear the child 

// Module 5 // How to take into account the child in all his diversity 

Who is the training for?

The course is intended for all professionals who interact with children within the Quebec justice system: lawyers, prosecutors, judges, members of the police force, social workers, the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ), people working in community associations or private foundations, etc.

Why take REPERE training?

To address the persistent gaps in the support provided to children in the Quebec justice system, whose feedback is reflected in a 2017 study conducted by the International Bureau for Children’s Rights (in French only).

A training course that is:

    • CONCRETE, based on case studies rooted in the daily practices of the targeted professions
    • COMPLETE : five training modules to understand all aspects of the child’s participation whithin the justice system
    • ADAPTED to the targeted professions, and developed in collaboration with all the actors involved in the judicial system (justice, law enforcement, social intervention) and children
    • DYNAMIC thanks to audiovisual tools
    • QUICKLY COMPLETED: only 4 hours in total
    • CERTIFYING once the five training modules are completed

*REPERE training is currently only available through Quebec’s professional orders, contact us for more information*

Want to know more about the course?

Discover the presentation brochure

Presentation brochure


Would you like to take the course?

Help yourself with the Pocket Guide to accompany your learning

Pocket Guide