The IBCR aims to help defend the rights of children in the criminal and civil justice systems, ensuring that their best interests are served, both during proceedings and afterwards, when judgments that may affect them are rendered. The IBCR conducts in-depth multidisciplinary analyses of juvenile justice systems and makes concrete recommendations in keeping with states’ commitments to child protection.

How do we do it?

Applied research

The IBCR seeks to protect child victims and witnesses of crime by responding to requests for assistance from governments and professionals who work in the field, as well as from children themselves. Since its founding, the IBCR has been researching existing international standards and laws, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power. The IBCR also focuses on best practices in the protection of child victims and witnesses of crime, with an appreciation for the diversity of legal systems and legal traditions. Morocco, Angola, Djibouti and the Philippines have mandated the Bureau to analyse bottlenecks in their juvenile justice systems.  

Capacity building for security forces and legal personnel

The IBCR’s capacity building work has been growing steadily since 2012, with most initiatives targeting security forces, social workers and legal personnel. With an approach that is rooted in a solid understanding of the concerned child protection systems, the IBCR involves relevant stakeholders as it reviews its training and capacity building methods to ensure their sustainability over time. New adult education modules were developed and have been integrated into the permanent curricula of national learning centres. Training sessions have been completed in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia and Yemen. Meanwhile, sessions are still underway in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Togo.

Voluntary cooperation in support of justice for children

In 2015, the IBCR implemented an international cooperation initiative in conjunction with Lawyers Without Borders Canada. Financed by Global Affairs Canada, this five-year programme aims to improve the protection of the rights of children, women and marginalised communities, as well as to strengthen democracy and the rule of law through access to justice. More than 200 Canadian professionals have been deployed to partner organisations in Central America, the Andes, West Africa and North Africa.


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