Our volunteers

Nadia Hasimbe

Organisational Management Advisor

After graduating from the Catholic University of Madagascar, Nadia began her professional career in an international infrastructure project and worked on the project's CSR contracts. She then decided to move to Canada where she obtained a Master's degree in International Development and Humanitarian Action Management at Laval University. Since 2013, Nadia has been very involved in the field of international solidarity, notably by working within international organizations working for the economic and social development of communities such as CESO and the Roncalli Foundation. She also volunteers with the Montreal Regional Council of Development and Peace - Caritas Canada where she participates in several fundraising and advocacy campaigns to support their social justice actions. Upon her return to Madagascar in 2020, she joined the IBCR team and became one of the first PRIDE cooperants. Organizational advisor to the PFSCE, she sees this partnership as a good start to cooperation between Canada and Madagascar and aims to invest in the development of this very promising cooperation for both countries.

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