Project for strengthening all aspects of children’s rights (VCP)

My experience (…) reminded me of the reasons that led me to want to work in human rights. The contact with young people from less privileged communities, and the possibility of giving them training on their fundamental rights, fills the exercise of my profession with meaning. Sharing knowledge with the partner is also a privilege that allows us to grow together.
Diana Carvajal, Volunteer
Duration of the project : 2020 - 2028
International volunteering, also known as volunteer cooperation, allows Canadians of all ages and backgrounds to go on a volunteer mission abroad, for a few days or several months, to support project partners working in the field. In addition to providing organisational support, the work of the volunteers gradually strengthens collaboration and coordination between all the sectors and actors involved, in order to build a child protection system that respects the rights and needs of children in all circumstances.
The Project for the Integral Reinforcement of Children's Rights will run for 8 years (2020-2028), in 11 intervention countries :
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Senegal, Togo
- North Africa: Morocco, Tunisia
- Latin America: Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru.
More than 250 volunteers will be deployed in over 30 partner organisations.
Our objectives :
The project for the integral reinforcement of children's rights (VCP) aims to :
- improve social welfare,
- strengthen protection,
- promoting and enforcing rights
children, especially girls, among the poorest, most marginalised and vulnerable, in a sustainable manner. Through the deployment of qualified specialists, VCP strengthens the capacities of partner organisations and supports their work to protect children and promote their rights.
This project is made possible through the financial support of Global Affairs Canada.
- Intervention locations : Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Colombia, Honduras, Madagascar, Marocco, Peru, Senegal, Tunisia, Togo
- Project duration: 7 years
- Partners :
- Over 30 partners, NGOs, community organisations and government institutions
- Highlights:
- Over 250 volunteers deployed
- Strengthening the child protection system in the 11 intervention countries
- Creation of a social laboratory to foster innovation in child protection
- Fields of activity and expertise :
- Capacity building
- Advocacy and institutional support
- Tools, reference manuals and standards
- Training leadership
- Child sexual exploitation
- Violence against children
- Child protection systems
- Children and the justice system