Security Forces Capacity Building Programme

The official launch of the Steering Committee at the National Gendarmerie High Command – Conakry
Children are the future of the entire nation.
Staff Sergeant Martial Lamah Cécé, gendarmerie school instructor
Project Duration : 2012 - 2014
Guinea joined the regional training project for security forces in 2011, when a regional workshop was held in Niamey to approve six core competencies to be taught to security forces with a view to promoting child-friendly practices. The IBCR made it possible for two Guinean police officers to participate in the project and develop a national action plan. This plan was implemented the following year, through a partnership between the IBCR and non-governmental organisation Sabou Guinée, with financial support from Save the Children and UNICEF.
Goals :
Through this project, the Republic of Guinea committed to permanently including mandatory children’s rights training in the basic training programmes for gendarme and police cadets, along with specialized training for gendarmes and police who work directly with children.
The IBCR began by evaluating the training curricula of security forces in the Republic of Guinea. This involved reviewing and analysing some 200 paper and electronic documents. In addition, a number of interviews were conducted with children aged 8 to 18, as well as with approximately 60 representatives of organisations or institutions involved in this issue. Visits to the Guinée Forestière area and the country’s interior were also conducted. After the evaluation was completed, a plan (link to training plan) for developing a basic training kit was established.
During the second phase of the project, approximately 30 people from police and gendarmerie schools took part in the first train-the-trainer session. They are now prepared to provide the same training to future groups of law enforcement representatives. Furthermore, new teaching materials adapted to the national context were provided to schools, which will now offer specific courses on children's rights.
Finally, thanks to UNICEF’s support, a new code of conduct was rolled out across all security forces to set high standards of ethical conduct with respect to preventing sexual violence and protecting children.
- Intervention locations : Guinea
- Project duration: 2012 à 2014
- Partners :
- Sabou Guinée, Save the Children, UNICEF, National Police Academy, National Gendarmerie School
- Highlights:
- More than 200 documents and websites were reviewed and analysed
- 72 boys and girls were consulted during the evaluation process
- Nearly 60 resource people were interviewed, sometimes several times, during the evaluation process
- Approximately 30 people at the police academy took part in the first train-the-trainer session in 2013
- Fields of activity and expertise :
- Capacity building
- Applied research
- Training leadership