
Capacity Building for Stakeholders in The Child Protection System In Burkina Faso

First training given by our partners, Justice sector, 2018

To promote and protect the rights of all children in our country, without exception 
Laure Zongo, Minister of Women, National Solidarity and the Family, Burkina Faso

Project Duration : 2015 - 2021

Much like other sectors in Burkina Faso, the justice, security and social work sectors have some functional problems that affect children’s access to services they are entitled to. Justice, security forces and social workers have no professional training or the proper tools and skills to listen to children and help manage the issues affecting them. Through a multi-annual project (2015-2021) financed by Global Affairs Canada, the IBCR undertook capacity building initiatives with these professionals using a participatory, multi-sector approach.

Our goals

For social, judicial and security services that are more respectful of the rights of Burkinabe girls and boys, three main actions were targeted:

  • Integrate compulsory, evaluated training modules on the rights and protection of children into the programmes of security, social work
    and justice training institutions
  • Provide key professionals with the necessary tools and skills to meet the challenges of protecting the rights of children
  • Strengthen coordination mechanisms between various stakeholders

Our results

  • 7,759 professionals, including 835 women, have been sensitised, equipped and trained on children’s rights and good practices in child protection in Burkina Faso.
  • 17,466 professionals have indirectly benefited from the project’s actions and are now better equipped to protect children.
  • 100% of the stakeholders interviewed during project activities now offer services that are more respectful of the principles of protection and participation of girls and boys in all sectors.
  • A total of 295 hours of courses on children’s rights and appropriate practices have been integrated into the professional training programmes of the police, gendarmerie, social sector, magistracy and prison security guard, on a permanent, compulsory and evaluated basis.
  • 270 people, including 54 women, have been trained and certified to teach the new courses set up under the project in the various associated training schools.
  • 4 operating methods have been disseminated and new practices have been integrated into the State’s reference frameworks to clarify the roles, responsibilities and ways of doing things of the actors in the child protection system within a common and harmonised path for children in contact with the law.

With the financial support of: 

  • Intervention locations : Ouagadougou
  • Project duration: 2015 - 2021
  • Partners :
    • UNICEF
    • Ministry of Social Action and National Solidarity of Burkina Faso
    • L’Institut national de formation en travail social (National Training Institute for Social Work), l’École des cadres moyens en travail social (School for Middle Management in Social Work), National Police School, l’École nationale de l’administration et de la magistrature (National Administration and Magistrate School), civil society organisations
    • Global Affairs Canada; Ministry of Women, National Solidarity, and Family; Ministry of National Defence and Veterans Affairs, Ministry of Security; Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Civic Promotion; National School of Administration and Magistrature (ENAM); National Institute of Social Work; School for Mid-Level Management in Social Work; School for Upper-Level Management in Social Work; National Police School; Police Academy; National Gendarmerie School; National School for Gendarmerie Sub-Officers; National Qualification Centre for Gendarmerie Sub-Officers; and other national and international organisations.
  • Highlights:
    • The targeted audience of the project will be extended to jail guards in 2019
    • 1 300 000 children targeted by the project
  • Fields of activity and expertise :
    • Capacity building
    • Applied research
    • Tools, reference manuals and standards
    • Training leadership
    • Children and the justice system

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