On the 20th of November was celebrated the World Children’s Day. This year, the special date marked the 30th anniversary of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 25th anniversary of the International Bureau for Children’s Rights, an occasion to celebrate the rights of the child throughout the world three times over. The IBCR has taken part in numerous celebrations across several of its countries of action, ranging from Burkina Faso to Canada.
In Burkina Faso, the Bureau’s local team participated in the “72 hours to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)“, an event held in Ouagadougou by the NGO Terre des hommes Switzerland and dedicated to the anniversary of this key instrument advocating for the rights of the child. On the agenda: conferences, exhibition stands, and recreational activities with the active participation of children. By means of this event and its colourful exhibition stand, the IBCR was able to promote its work and its project in the country (more information here), to support the importance of training professionals working with children and to raise public awareness of the role that each and everyone plays in protecting and respecting the rights of the child on a everyday.
The IBCR was also at the official ceremony to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Convention, organised by the Ministry of Women, National Solidarity, Family and Humanitarian Action on the theme “30 years of implementation of the CRC, a new commitment for a Burkina worthy of children“.
In Canada, the IBCR took part in a roundtable discussion organised by the International Child Protection Network of Canada and Global Affairs Canada (the federal government ministry dedicated to diplomatic and consular relations) on the theme “30 Years of Children’s Rights and the Unfinished Agenda: Protecting and Empowering Children in Conflict and Fragile States”. Gathered around the table were organisations dedicated to human rights and children’s rights and members of the network such as Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages Canada, Plan International Canada and World Vision Canada. Participants shared their observations on the progress made over the 30 years of the Convention, but also discussed the gaps as well as the opportunities for Canada to effectively fight for children’s rights.
The IBCR also took part in the Early Childhood Week, as a partner and co-signatory of the ” Children deserve equal opportunities to succeed ” campaign, which took place from 17 to 23 November last. It was an opportunity to raise awareness, encourage dialogue and promote societal mobilization in support of early childhood and perinatal care in Quebec.
This world tour of the celebrations ended on Thursday, 21 November, with a fundraising evening for children’s rights held in Montreal, bringing together more than 80 people for a warm and informative time featuring an art auction aimed at raising funds for the Bureau and its projects.