Webinar on solidarity through volunteering

On the occasion of the celebration of International Volunteer Day on 5 December 2022, the IBCR participated in a webinar with the presence of many partners on the theme of “solidarity through volunteering”. 

This event, co-organized with the Canadian Volunteer Cooperation Programme, was an opportunity to exchange with local partners and volunteers on the impact and importance of volunteering as well as emerging issues in international cooperation.  

The panelists present: 

  • Ana Caravantes – Volunteer with CECI
  • Moussa Danladi – Key Programme Volunteer
  • Madalitso Chipekwe-Daka – Associated Center for Agro Based Development
  • Abubakari Kawusada – NORSAAC 


Emmanuelle Parent – Coordinator of the IBCR Volunteer Cooperation Programme 

International Volunteer Day was established by the United Nations in 2001 to mark the recognition of volunteerism as a sustainable and effective force for development. Ten years later, in 2011, the UN already recognized volunteerism as “one of the clearest expressions of solidarity in action”.  In a global context of climate emergency and attacks on gender equality, diversity and inclusion, the theme of solidarity through volunteering returns again this year. More than ever, we need solidarity to have a positive impact on issues that affect us all.


Thank you to all participants and partners for this successful event! 

See you next year for a new edition!  

Volunteering opportunities