A validation workshop of the initial training kit for social workers is currently being held from November 7 to November 10 2017 in Koudougou, in Burkina Faso. This workshop is part of the project strengthening the capacities of child protection actors in Burkina Faso.
The goal of this workshop is to validate the training kit with partners and to verify that it meets the needs of the Social Work National Institute (l’Institut National de Formation en Travail Social – INFTS).
This four-day workshop is an occasion to present a draft of the training kit and to obtain feedback and recommendations from participants on the training kit’s content as well as on the different educational tools.
More than forty participants are present at this workshop, including teachers, teaching and administrative managers, members of the INFTS Executive Board, members of the ministry of Women, National Solidarity and Family as well as other actors working in the child protection sector such as NGOS.
At the end of this workshop, the teaching methods of the training kit as well as the project’s timeline regarding when this will be implemented in the INFTS programme will have been discussed.