On May 16th, the IBCR had the pleasure of participating in the official launch of the international francophone Alliance for equality and diversity, named “Égides”. Égides is a new organisation based in Montreal, which aims to fight for LGBTQI people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex) in the French-speaking world.
Funded by the Government of Quebec over 5 years, Égides is fulfilling its ambition to create an international Francophone network to protect the rights of LGBTQI people. This network will be based on a close collaboration with civil societies in Quebec and the French-speaking world, including LGBT, human rights and international cooperation organisations. Mme Nadine Nadine Girault, Québec’s Minister of International Relations and Francophonie, was present at the launch.
The IBCR welcomes this initiative by the Government of Quebec and takes this opportunity to express its concern at the alarming number of suicides of children and adolescents of various sexual orientations around the world. Despite many efforts, studies show that teenagers who are homosexual, bisexual or questioning their sexual orientation remain more at risk of suicide than their heterosexual peers.
In some countries, same-sex relationships are still penalised. When permitted by law, homophobia and social sanctions are often the response to expressions of affection between people of the same sex – including children and adolescents. These reactions can generate permanent bullying that violates sexual rights, mainly the right to effectively enjoy one’s own sexuality as an integral part of the human being.
That is why the IBCR sees this new network as an opportunity to address these issues and work to guarantee and fully exercise human rights, including sexual and reproductive rights for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation.
More info on the launch See Égides website
Pictures © : Montréal International