The French version of the 2019 edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CMPS) was unveiled earlier this month. Involved since the initial launch of these standards, the IBCR took part in the definition of the standard n°20 dedicated to child justice.
The result of a two-year review process involving 1,900 individuals and 85 agencies, this new edition reflects: recent learning and data from the sector; improved guidance on prevention, gender and age inclusion, and greater accountability to children. It also includes improved guidance on use in refugee settings and infectious disease outbreaks, as well as concrete models of integrated approaches between child protection and health, education, nutrition and other sector actors.
Its publication in French could not come at a more important time, given the global pandemic of COVID-19. Knowing and using humanitarian standards to protect children now and in the coming months could not be more important.
Child protection Area of Responsibility, French Help DeskEstablished in 2012 by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, the CMPS aims to establish common principles among all child protection and humanitarian actors. Years of implementation in various contexts have revealed the need for a simplified and more adapted version of these Standards. Thus, after two years of work, the new version was unveiled last year (read this article for more information) in Geneva. The Bureau was present at the event, and led a conference on the key competency approach, an approach developed by our teams and at the heart of our expertise.
IBCR has collaborated with the Alliance since 2012, within a working group dedicated to justice for children in emergency situations, to define one of these standards (standard n°14, renamed n°20 in the new version – read more here).
Access the new edition of the minimum standards for child protection in French