On Monday, the Government of Canada made official its support for the IBCR’s training project aimed at better accompanying child victims and witnesses of crime in Quebec. During the dedicated press conference, Parliamentary Secretary Rachel Bendayan emphasized the government’s enthusiasm for the expected results.
The project, launched in 2020, will provide training in children’s rights to police, justice, social work and youth protection personnel to ensure that their interactions with child victims and witnesses of crime are conducted in a manner that respects their rights. It will result in an online training course composed of 6 modules created by the IBCR, in collaboration with the sectors involved, which will be available in French and English.
Initially lasting a few months, the project is being completed and expanded with funding from the Department of Justice Canada. This is in addition to the initial financial support for the project from the Government of Quebec and the Chamandy Foundation.
Read the Government of Canada press release
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