Last week, the International Bureau for Children’s Rights participated in two events in Quebec City and Montreal to celebrate International Development Week (February 4 to 9, 2019).
An afterwork was held in a Montreal restaurant on February 7, 2019, during which the IBCR, CESO | SACO and Terre Sans Frontières celebrated Canada’s work for reducing poverty and eliminating inequalities between women and men.
Élise Nadeau was able to share her experience as a volunteer in Peru, within the Voluntary Cooperation Program of the IBCR. Evening of reflection, exchanges and cocktail networking were planned.
The day before, the event “Beyond Borders” was held in Quebec City. Several international co-workers from the Cuso International organizations, CECI and WUSC Uniterra Program, SUCO Solidarity Union Cooperation, Oxfam-Québec, and Carrefour International were there to offer their testimony and feedback on their experience. The IBCR also participated in this very rewarding event.