Léopold Sibo holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Management, with a major in finance, from the University of Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. He has several years of experience in administrative and financial management for international NGOs.
Very early on, he began working for NGOs as an administrative and financial coordinator in Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Chad, Niger, Mali; Coordinator of support services for Handicap International in Afghanistan, then in the DRC.
Immigrated to Canada in 2018, it is in April 2019 that he came to settle in Quebec, precisely in Trois-Rivières, after a last mission in Mali for Médecins du Monde Belgium (MDM).
Two years of professional immersion, as an administrative officer for the CIUSSS Mauricie et du Centre du Québec, allowed him to understand the North American context. End of February 2022, he joined the IBCR team, thus rediscovering the humanitarian world where the fight for the defence of the most basic rights of vulnerable populations is a priesthood, a credo.
He is fluent in French and English.