Fabrice Kazadi has a degree in sociology (Bac+5) from the University of Lubumbashi. After his university studies, he worked as a secondary school teacher for over 10 years.
It was in 2002 that he embraced social work. From 2002 to 2017, he worked successively as Center Supervisor and then as Project Director at the Centre professionnel d’encadrement des jeunes, an NGO specialized in the socio-professional reintegration of children with broken families and children released from armed forces and groups.
In parallel to his work, Fabrice held the position of supervisor of REEJER (Réseau des éducateurs des jeunes et enfants de la rue), a platform of child protection NGOs. He was also in charge of the institutional diagnosis of REEJER’s member NGOs and of those who were applying for REEJER membership. This institutional diagnosis aimed to identify the weaknesses of the member NGOs in order to strengthen their capacities.
In 2017, Fabrice joined IBCR as a Social Work Expert in charge of child protection for a period of two years. After IBCR in 2019, Fabrice works for UNICEF as a consultant from November 2019 to January 2020, supporting the provincial divisions of social affairs in Kinshasa and Central Congo.
Before returning to IBCR as a Technical Specialist in Child Participation and Community Mobilization in August 2022, it was with the Office’s volunteer cooperation project, PRIDE, that Fabrice worked as a Volunteer Cooperant with the Center for Education and Social Reintegration of Minors in Conflict with the Law (CERMICOL) in Bobo-Dioulasso/Burkina Faso from January 2021 to the end of March 2022.