Born in South Kivu, Charles Mushagaluza graduated as a sociologist from the Faculty of Social, Political and Administrative Sciences at the Official University of Bukavu. He is an expert in project management and experienced in advocacy and in rights-based, gender and development approaches.
Charles started his humanitarian career as a Protection Coordinator of the Educating Children Together 3 (ECT3) a project implemented in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituria, based in Bukavu, DR Congo from 2012 to 2014, for the International Governance Institute.
From 2014 to 2016 and based in Kinshasa, Charles served as a Project Manager of the Educational Centres for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups (EAFGA) project implemented in the provinces of North and South Kivu, Ituri, Maniema, Tanganyika (Kalemie), in what is now Haut-Katanga, in the DRC for the INGO Family Heath International. He then assumed the responsibilities of coordinator of the “Food For Education” project in Eastern DRC, for the FAO DIMITRA programme, from 2016 to 2017.
Before joining IBCR in 2022, he was safeguarding coordinator for the Girls’ Education Challenge program (GEC-T) for 5 years from 2017 with World Vision RD Congo, a program implemented by World Vision and Save the Children in the Greater Kasai and Greater Katanga regions of DRC.
With a wealth of experience in different international organisations, he has also followed numerous certified training courses and acquired many skills in management, monitoring and evaluation of child protection projects, enabling him to design tools for this purpose.