Antoine Gomis holds a certificate in social emergency in Paris (2005), a D.I.U. “Street children and young people” from the universities of Paris 6 and Paris 12 (2008) as well as a certificate on the care of child victims of trafficking. He also has a training as a trainer (2012) that he carried out with Humani Centre, before joining the Bioforce Afrique centre as a project coordinator in the field of international solidarity (2018-2019). During his career, he has set up several capacity building trainings on issues related to the care of children and young people at risk in the street and/or in conflict with the law.
Antoine worked for Samu social Sénégal as a social worker specialised in intervention with street youth from 2004 to 2007, and then as social coordinator of an emergency shelter providing nursing and psychological care to youth from 2007 to 2022. He therefore has extensive experience in dealing with street children and young people.
As a family mediation specialist with Samu Social International, Antoine has worked with the Forces Démocratiques du Sénégal (FDS) in the field of family re-bonding and family reintegration of trafficked street children.
Since March 2022, Antoine Gomis is Police Expert for Senegal at the International Bureau for Children’s Rights.