Honduras: The National Police’s renewed commitment to our project to combat human trafficking

As part of its project on trafficking and exploitation of persons in Honduras, the IBCR and the Honduran National Police met in early November to review and validate the country’s mapping report produced earlier this year, and to update the cooperation agreement between the project’s actors.

During the meeting, the various departments of the National Police shared data on the number of police officers trained on the issue of human trafficking. This meeting also provided an opportunity to review the existing protocols and procedural guides currently in place in these same departments, concerning the prosecution, protection and prevention of human trafficking. In addition, the cooperation agreement between the various parties involved has been revised and updated to include all key actors.

The National Police also confirmed its commitment to allow its employees to attend the development, validation and training workshops organised by the IBCR over the course of the project during their working hours.


Plus d’informations sur le projet ici